Gastroenterology Procedures: What to Expect During a Colonoscopy

Gastroenterology Procedures

Take a deep breath. I know you’re scared. Words like ‘colonoscopy’ and ‘polyps Mineola‘ can make your heart race. It’s okay. Fear comes from the unknown. Let’s change that. Let’s strip away the medical jargon and make things clear. Because knowing what to expect during a gastroenterology procedure can soothe your fears. It can give you control. I’ll walk you through what happens during a colonoscopy, step by simple step. Let’s begin our journey into the world of gastroenterology procedures together.

Before the Colonoscopy

Days before the procedure, you’ll start a special diet. You’ll eat light foods. You’ll avoid anything that can clog up your system. The day before, you’ll drink a liquid to flush out your colon. It’s not the tastiest thing, but it’s necessary. It helps your doctor see clearly during the procedure.

The Day of the Colonoscopy

On the big day, you’ll arrive at the clinic. You’ll check in. You’ll change into a hospital gown. The nurse will lead you to a room with a bed. You’ll lie down. The nurse will attach monitors to your body. These track your heart rate and oxygen levels.

During the Colonoscopy

The doctor enters the room. They’ll explain the procedure to you. They’ll answer any questions. Once you’re ready, you’ll receive sedation. This helps you relax and feel no pain during the procedure.

The doctor inserts a thin, flexible tube into your rectum. This tube has a light and a camera at the end. It allows the doctor to see inside your colon. If they find any polyps, they’ll remove them. This doesn’t hurt. You won’t feel it.

After the Colonoscopy

Once the procedure is over, you’ll rest in a recovery room. You might feel a bit groggy from the sedation. That’s normal. In a couple of hours, you’ll feel more like yourself. Someone will need to drive you home. It’s unsafe to drive yourself after the procedure.

Over the next few days, you should eat light foods. You should also avoid heavy lifting. You might feel a bit bloated. That’s okay. It’s just air that was pumped into your colon. It’ll pass in a day or two.

Results and Follow-Up

If the doctor removed any polyps, they will send them to a lab. There, a pathologist will examine them under a microscope. This helps determine if the polyps are cancerous or not. You’ll get the results in a week or two. If everything looks good, you’ll go back for another colonoscopy in a few years.

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